
Whether you just want to perform in private or you can't wait to jump on stage, you will gain confidence in yourself and in your body image, and since you will have many opportunities to perform, you can decide for yourself when and if you are ready.
GROUP PERFORMANCES: All of the group routines taught in Burlesquercise® dance classes are performed at shows around the San Francisco Bay Area. If you're interested in performing with the Burlesqueteers, all you have to do is attend classes to learn the techniques and choreography, and then sign up when a show is coming up, get your costuming together (this is usually very easy and inexpensive and is often provided for you), come to the rehearsals, and you're in! There is no audition process. Performing with the Burlesqueteers is all about showing up and putting in the effort. It's a very inclusive group open to anyone who has taken the classes.
SOLO PERFORMANCES: Graduates are welcome to perform in Bombshell Betty's student shows for as long as they like, and are encouraged to branch out into the larger burlesque scene as soon as they are ready. You'd be hard pressed to find a local burlesque show that doesn't have at least one (if not several) Burlesquercise graduates in the lineup, working backstage, and even producing the shows!
JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Burlesquercise® Dance Classes have been going strong since March 2004 and have grown into a dynamic and supportive community. Students are encouraged to keep in touch through the Burlesquercise Headquarters website, which is a great resource for current and past students for organizing the student shows, outings to other local shows, and hosting small get-togethers to help students get to know each other and develop a support system within the local performance community. Many people have made new best friends for life through these classes. Come be part of an ever-growing community of local women who share your interests and your lust for life!
JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Burlesquercise® Dance Classes have been going strong since March 2004 and have grown into a dynamic and supportive community. Students are encouraged to keep in touch through the Burlesquercise Headquarters website, which is a great resource for current and past students for organizing the student shows, outings to other local shows, and hosting small get-togethers to help students get to know each other and develop a support system within the local performance community. Many people have made new best friends for life through these classes. Come be part of an ever-growing community of local women who share your interests and your lust for life!